« Who already said that artworks were not accessible? The LOFT Gallery is an authentic art gallery founded in 1985, based in Paris, and which has been offering since 2020, a specific concept named “ART FOR ALL” dedicated to democratize contemporary art.
Indeed, once you enter the gallery or connect on their online platform, you would be amazed to observe that some of the iconic masterpieces, realized by several artists represented of the gallery, are available in small limited-edition formats (numbered between 300 and 1000 copies) and accompanied by a unique certificate of authenticity. The occasion to discover a part of the catalog through a veritable line of mini-artworks to collect. Therefore, opt for your favorite artist, depend on its style and own universe, since the common point between those decorative and artistic objects is undoubtedly the quality of their realistic reproduction. Moreover, an affordable price is synonym for an invitation to anyone of us to put a first (or another) step in art collection.
Those multiple miniatures (and sometimes furniture pieces) are naturally designed in direct collaboration with the artists or their beneficiaries, even wearing as much as possible the artist‘s signature and highlighted in a sober but elegant protective box. »
Né en 1974 à Jingdezhen (Chine), capitale mondiale de la porcelaine, Li Lihong s’est formé dès le plus jeune âge à l’art de la céramique auprès du grand maître Qin Xiling. Bien que son travail s’inspire des traditionnelles porcelaines royales qui ont fait la réputation de son village, Li Lihong conçoit ses œuvres en leur insufflant une vision résolument contemporaine. Il réinvente la porcelaine chinoise de manière radicale après avoir intériorisé toutes les influences internationales (publicité, culture de consommation…), notamment les grandes firmes telles que Coca-Cola ou McDonald’s implantées en Chine dans les années 1980. Avec ses œuvres d’art hybrides, Li Lihong retranscrit alors toute la qualité ancestrale de la porcelaine traditionnelle désormais apposée à de nouvelles formes nées de la rencontre de l’Orient et de l’Occident, créant de véritables icônes modernes, à la fois surprenantes, fragiles et poétiques.