« Let us hasten to succumb to temptation, before it strays. »
As a voluptuous hedonist, one of the last of the sculptures made by Philippe Hiquily observes us with curiosity and gentleness from her slender silhouette. This Épicurienne (Epicurean), a direct counterpart of the mythical sculpture by the artist : Marathonienne (Marathoner), evokes with serenity the completion of the incredible plastic journey made by the artist throughout the twentieth century during which he never ceased to explore the forms and curves of female figures with charm, poetry and humour, as if to better capture and extract their sensuality.
Pretty and nonchalant, caught in a moment of serenity and of pure ecstasy, she offers herself to the pleasure of the eyes, one arm raised as if to better reveal her breasts while her hand chastely caresses her knees, delicately clasped.
But is she really wise or just relaxed and satiated after having reached climax ? As she now joins the Art For All collection in small format, we can now all decide of her destiny… in the palm of our hands.
Edition “Art For All” by Galerie Loft Paris
1981 – Ed.2020,
Black painted cast metal,
H.16 x 8 x 8 cm, 208 grams,
Dim. of the box : 21,2 x 12,5 x 9,5 cm,
Certificate of authenticity included. Signed and numbered on the side. Limited edition of 1000 copies.

Discover the story of Philippe Hiquily’s Epicurienne!
Additional information
Weight | 208 g |
Dimensions | 16 × 8 × 8 cm |
Year | 2010 |
Material | Cast iron |
Tirages | Edition of 1000 |
Signature | Signed Hiquily |