“Bernard Quentin what have you just done? Well I’ve simply blown up a balloon and given it life. It’s a simple envelope that takes a shape and evolves. Since I can’t represent reality as I see it, I try in fact to apprehend in a tactile manner, the intimate rhythms, even the great cosmic rhythms and all the mystery of biology.” (Interview with Bernard Quentin, INA, 1968.)
Bernard Quentin’s researches on pneumatic struc- tures bring him to be in the 1960’s the first designer to conceive seats entirely inflatable and without holding structures. With this line of work he then develops, from 1966, the Molecul’Air idea, infla- table structures made from an agglomeration of spheres, in the manner of a cloud of atoms suscep- tible to be transformed into a piece of furniture or even a house. His Molecul’Air armchair, hybrid piece between sculpture and furniture expresses maybe better than any other work the poetry, the magic, and the futurism of Bernard Quentin’s work. Artwork imagined in 1966, its technical complexity did not permit the edition of it till today. Beyond that, its innovative strength and crazy modernity have remained intact. With the idea in mind of revealingit to the great public, the artist wished to include it in the Art For All collection just before leaving us.
2021, AERODREAM, Centre Pompidou-Metz , France
2020, Le siège se révolte, Musée Saint Quentin, Yvelines, France
Edition “ART FOR ALL” by Galerie Loft Paris
1966 – Ed. 2020
Inflatable PVC furniture
H.60 x L.150 x D.112 cm
H. of the seat : 40 cm
Edition of 600 copies
Signed below
Dim. of the box : H. 23 x L. 48 x P. 27,5 cm
Inflate & Deflate Electric Air Pump inclus (230V, Type C)

Discover Bernard Quentin’s passion for air and pneumatic structures through these examples of modernity and poetry!
Additional information
Dimensions | 60 × 150 × 112 cm |
Year | 1966 |
Material | PVC |
Tirages | Edition of 600 |
Signature | Signed in the mold |